“Dance is an expression of life: from the uplift and joy felt in the rhythm and flow of dance to the still confidence present in good posture, the body becomes the vehicle through which imagination takes form and creativity is born” (BW)
SpiralArts is a dance/movement based, cross art intergenerational community of artists founded in the late 1990s by Bryony Williams and Elizabeth Blake, both experienced teachers, choreographers, facilitators and performers.
Dance/movement is the essence of their work and is used as an art in itself and as a common denominator between the arts. They are known for developing new work and embracing diverse influences from East and West, and bring inspiration, new vision and a holistic approach to their work. They utilise their explorations of spiral movement and inspiration from nature, to generate movement technique and expressive dance/movement that is organic, creative and communicative.
They are committed to the process of enhancing and supporting creativity for all, and also to finding ways of making dance/movement accessible and effective for choreography, performance, teaching and for general well-being and enjoyment.

They embrace diversity and enjoy working with allied arts and artists including musicians, actors, singers, fine artists, poets, as well as dancers from varied backgrounds, training and ages; exploring ways to communicate and integrate their work, while gaining fresh vision from the perspectives of different artistic outlooks.
They have a cross-generational approach to their work believing there is no age limit on creativity and that dance can be enjoyed from youth to maturity. They think that the energy and physicality of youth integrates well with the wisdom and essence gained through age and experience, and that together they inform and enrich each other.
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